Astronomy Delight

Due to its location, Casa Loma is a near-perfect site for astronomical observation. Nearby White Sands Missile Range has a number of observatories currently functioning, which track satellites and asteroids (GEODSS and LINEAR). Because air space is restricted over and surrounding WSMR there are no contrails. The air is dry at 5000 ft., the air is calm as well.

New Mexico Tech operates the Magdalena Ridge Observatory on a mountaintop in line-of-sight west from Casa Loma; and the Air Force's brand new SST deep-sky telescope is also line-of-sight to the east of Casa Loma--since this area of the United States was chosen because of its terrific viewing conditions. Casa Loma is impacted very slightly by Socorro night lighting, and is not impacted by neighbors' lights.

There are two great dome sites on the property; one, a hundred yards from the house, has the advantage of electricity; the other is on top of a hill with a 360 degree view with a low horizon.

If you have thought about putting up your own dome on a homesite in the Gila area of New Mexico, or at a location in southern Arizona, you must first pay Casa Loma a visit!